Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 5 Summer 2023-24

Science Workshop

We enjoyed a Science Workshop with Newcastle University. They completed a range of experiments with us where we explored our 5 senses. We also learnt about the other 4 senses that we have such as pain, heat, balance and body awareness. We enjoyed discovering how our DNA is made differently and had fun making a class circuit. 


Today we have been learning all about the ukulele. We have talked about the history of the ukulele, the parts of the ukulele and then watched videos to help us learn how to play chords C and F. We enjoyed working together to see how quickly we could remember the parts and helped eachother with learning how to play.

Count Tool

In computing we have been learning about spreadsheets. Today we have been using the count tool to help us work out the most common letters in the alphabet. We developed this further by trying to identify the most commonly used words in a range of different sentences. 


Our new PE unit is badminton. Today we enjoyed learning about how to serve correctly and enjoyed practicing this skill through some mini games and paired activities. 


Today we all enjoyed taking some time in the school library to select some books which we were allowed to take home and keep. We were so excited to choose from such a variety of books and can't wait to read our new books at home!

The Bible

In RE we have been learning all about The Bible. We have explored both the Old and New Testement and we have spent time searching the bible helping us understand the chapters and verses. We enjoyed searching for particular stories and identifying which part of the bible they are from.

Measuring Angles

In Maths we have been learning how to measure angles and today we explored what a protractor is and how to use them correctly. We enjoyed trying to measure different angles correctly and positioned the protractor in the correct place. 


During art we have been looking at different cityscapes around the world. From London to New York, Rome to Shaghai! We have developed our techniques through using water colours, ink pens and crayons and then designed our own city scape using a medium of our own choice!