Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 4 Autumn 2021-22

Welcome Back Year 4!

What an excellent start we have had back at school. We spent some time completing some mindfullness colouring, discussing how we wanted our classroom to be and discussed our expectations for Year 4.

Growth Mindset

We have been developing a positive mindset today. We spent time discussing what we can do to help us stay positive when we find tasks difficult. We wrote our own learning promise to help us be successful.

National Fitness Day

To celebrate National Fitness Day we took some time as a class to complete some fitness activities. We tried some squats, V-sits and star jumps. We enjoyed taking our sheets out during break and crossing more exercises off our grids.

The River Nile

As part of our Egyptian unit in History, we have been researching how the River Nile has been used. We used some fact sheets to help us discover the interesting uses and learnt about the red and black land in Egypt.


During PSHE we have spent time discussing how we can resolve any problems with our friends. We discussed different ways we can resolve conflict and how we should best approach a difficult situation. We enjoyed sharing our different approaches.


To celebrate World Mental Health Day we all came to school dressed in yellow. We took some lovely photos and we were even joined by a yellow banana!

What makes me happy?

Some of us brought in items which make us happy to put in our self-soothe box. We enjoyed sharing why they make us happy. We also all created our own pictures sharing what makes us happy to put into our box so we can discuss them again in the future.

Yasmin and Tom

During RSE we have been learning about who Yasmin and Tom are. We spent some time watching a video about them, making some posters for our classroom display and talking about our class rules when discussing growing up.


Together for Children visited school on Thursday morning and we spent some time learning about different types of families. We created a poster of the different types of families and enjoyed sharing who was in our family. 

French Bingo

During French this week we have been learning about numbers 31 to 70. We enjoyed recalling the different numbers in French and we even played bingo where we had to be able to identify the number in French.

Bonfire Safety

During PSHE we spent some time talking about bonfire safety and the firework code. We then created our own posters explaining how we can keep safe on bonfire night . 


Our PE unit this term is Dance. We have enjoyed learning how to move like a spy and creating dance routines to music with high and low movements. We have worked in small groups to practice our routines an had lots of fun performing them to each other.

Story Time

During DT we spent some time investigating a range of different stories. We have been looking at how moving mechanisms such as rotation, pull outs and flaps have been used to make a story engaging.

Egyptian Life

During History this week we have been learning about the Egyptian way of life. We used the chrome books to complete our own research about their homes, clothes, lifestyle and food.

Brain and Creativity Zone

We loved the brain and creativity zone in the Life Centre today. We made things spin, took some funny photos, played lots of puzzles and even listened to some music along the way. We certainly had our thinking caps on in this section of our visit!

Colour Explosion

In French we have been learning about different colours and how to say them correctly in French. We had to colour in the different paint splats in the correct colour by reading the French vocabulary.

Library Visit

As we settle into our new classroom we took a trip to the library where we chose a reading book. We spent some time reading our stories and we are so excited for our next visit.

Our Favourite Books

We have been discussing our favourite books. We wrote a description of why it is our favourite book and why other children should read it. We spent time designing a book mark to use during class reading time.


Our new unit in music this term is ABBA. We took some time to complete some research on the band this lesson. We learnt about the history of the band, the members and how they became famous. We also enjoyed listening to some of their music.


During French we have been learning about different greetings. We have recapped how to say hello, ask what your name is and say our own names. We also learnt how to say 'et toi' to ask 'and you' after saying our own names. we enjoyed our French conversations.


As the rainy weather approached we decided to participate in some relaxing YOGA during our PE lesson. We enjoyed using the calming session to take time to reflect on our learning, learn some new YOGA movements and have lots of fun in the classroom.

Yellow Fruit

As part of World Mental Health Day we enjoyed trying some yellow fruits in school. We had mango, pineapple, banana, pear and even some melon.

How are you?

During French this week we have been learning to say how are you and learning the different replies we could have. We played a game where we rolled the dice and this determined our response. We tried really hard pronouncing the new vocabulary.


During Art we have been learning how to do some different printing techniques. We cu out our outline and secured it on our paper. We then used rollers to paint over our design. When removing our secured outline we were left with an exciting print on our page.


To celebrate Harvest we spent a morning talking about what Harvest is and how it is celebrated around the world. We then created our own reasons we were thankful and presented a poster of what Harvest is all about. 


During Maths our focus has been subtraction. We have been using multilink cubes to help us work out our subtraction answers. We enjoyed the challenge of using the column method to work out each question.

Friendly or Unfriendly?

During PSHE we spent some time talking about what was friendly and unfriendly behavior. We discussed what we would look for in a good friend and what qualities we have which makes us a good friend to somebody. 

Odd Socks...

To help us learn about anti-bullying week we all came to school wearing odd socks. We then decorated our own odd socks where we presented pictures and designs to show we are all different and special in our own ways.


Following on from learning about the different mechanisms we then went on to practice creating our own mechanisms. We took our time and practiced our cutting skills. We made things pop out with a bang!

Compliment Me

This week we have been learning about compliments and the different compliments we can give our friends. We wrote a compliment text message and added a picture to make our friends smile. 

All About Space

Wow! Space was such an exciting part of our visit. We visited the planetarium where we were amazed by the stars and planets but then we were able to work in the Space Centre and even built our own rockets! Some of us even felt real rock from the moon! 

All About Me!

We have really enjoyed getting to know each other in Year 4 this week. We designed our all about me flowers ready to display in our classroom. Our designs were so bright and colourful!

Outdoor Learning

What a fun afternoon! Today we took part in outdoor learning. We went on a hero hunt, built a den, constructed a flag pole and walked a night line. Our team work skills were amazing.

Word Hippo

During Literacy we have been learning about different ways to improve our sentences. We used 'Word Hippo' to research synonyms for simple adjectives to help make our writing exciting. The children loved sharing their new vocabulary with each other. 

Dream Sequence

As part of our 'Dreams' unit in Art we have been working in groups to plan our own dream sequence. We have planned what roles we will all have, what happens in the dream and the viewpoints we would want to record the dream in to make it unusual.

Animal Groups

During Science we have been learning about different animals groups. We have been finding out about mammals, insects, molluscs and many more interesting groupings. We used our knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates to make some interesting fact cards.

Positivity Mirror

We created a positivity mirror today. Our task was to draw a self-portrait in the centre of the mirror and then write words of positivity around the edges.

Oxclose Church

During RE we have been learning about Oxclose Church. We spent some time discussing the activities they offer to the local community then made some lovely informative posters explaining what they have to offer.

Endangered Animals

In Science we have been investigating different types of animals and why they are endangered. We completed some research about their habitats, why they are endangered and what we can do to prevent them from becoming extinct.

Black History Month

To celebrate Black History Month we found out about Nelson Mandela. We discussed who he was, what he was known for and why he was an important figure in History. We worked in groups to present everything we have learnt about him and thought of questions we would like to have been able to ask him about his experiences. 


During our Egyptian topic we have been investigating the use of hieroglyphics. We spent some time working out the answers to Egyptian jokes and then we wrote some of our own information in hieroglyphics.

Mayor's Christmas Card Competition

Today we have been taking part in the Mayor's Christmas card competition 2021. We decorated our own baubles representing what Christmas means to us! Well done to Lily who was our class winner.

Kind or unkind?

As part of anti-bullying week we created our own kindness brick for our class display. We researched some positive, kind quotes and then decorated the brick. We all want to bring a smile to our friends faces.


During computing we have been learning about coding and how to code using Purple Mash. We spent some time creating codes to make a snail race and worked out how to solve coding problems.

Lighting Up Newcastle Workshop

We have really enjoyed our visit to the Life Centre in Newcastle today! We took part in a workshop all about electricity where we learnt about the history of light and we even learnt how to light our very own lightbulbs like a street lamp!


In Geography we have been learning about river pollution. We have learnt about what causes pollution and how we can help reduce river pollution. We worked in groups to create an informative poster and then presented our ideas to the class.