Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Reception Autumn 2023-24

 Welcome to Reception!

All of the children in Reception have had a fantastic start to the year! They have enjoyed exploring all of the areas, seeing old friends and making new friends.

Music - Week 1! Celebration By Kool And The Gang

In week 1 of music we listened to the song 'Celebration' by Kool And The Gang. We talked about whether we liked the song or not. Some of us thought the song was fun and happy but others did not like the song because they did not like the words or the voices in the song. We then talked about the beat or a song and what it means. We sang 'pat a cake' whilst practicing to find the beat. After singing 'pat a cake' we listened to a song called 'the name song' which is something we will listen to and practice every week in order to perform it at the end in front of an audience. We enjoyed singing this song and learning all of the actions which go with it. 

Rainbow Challenge

Reception have been enjoying taking part in their first rainbow challenges this week. They have been practising their name, counting out the correct number of bears and drawing portraits of themselves. They have enjoyed filling in their rainbow.

PSHE- Dealing with Anger

We began our lesson singing "If you're happy and you know it ..." but we changed the emotion and the action. We then listened to the story of Leanna and Archie where Leanna was building a tower and Archie pushed it down by accident. We talked about Leanna being upset and angry. We then talked about what she could have done to calm down. We then tried some different breaking exercises to calm us down. We finished our lesson by building a tower together.


We have been learning about Diwali and the Festival of the lights. We have read the stories and watched videos how people celebrate the festival. We then created a meal together. We shopped boiled potatoes and chickpeas and added this to red onion and some spices. We then enjoyed trying our Panipuri. Well done Reception. You created an excellent meal.

Anti Bullying Week

We have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week this week. The theme was Shout It Out. In Reception we have been discussing how we can be a good friend. We then worked together with out friends and looked at different scenario cards. we then discussed with our friend if this shows being a good friend or not being a good friend.

Decorating Time!

Christmas has hit Reception. All of the children enjoyed decorating our tree with different coloured baubles and tinsel. They done an excellent job. Well done!

Christmas Cards

We have been getting very creative in Reception. We have begun to design our Christmas Cards. We have enjoyed creating our design, adding sequins, buttons and  stars and of course sprinkling lots of glitter on our creation!

Our School

On our Geography learning, we have learning about the environment around us. We tool a walk all around school. We visited the classrooms in Key Stage 1 and 2. He had a look at the office and the outdoor environment. We have enjoyed our trip.

P.E. Moving

In our P.E. lesson we have been exploring movement and moving arounds safely. We spoke about making sure we have a safe space. We walked, jogged, ran, skipped and hopped around the hall. When we heard the word "freeze" we had to stop and make a shape with our body.

World Mental Health Day

We have been celebrating World Mental Health Day in Reception. We have been talking about our different feelings and what to do when we do not feel happy. We talked about happy places, activities and people. We then took some time out of our busy day and took part in some yoga. We enjoyed trying lots of different stretches. We then thought a healthy diet and how this can help us have a healthy mind. We enjoyed making our own pack lunch ideas. 

Disco Time

Nursery and Reception enjoyed joining Key Stage 1 for their autumn disco. They all enjoyed the flashing lights and dancing, with their friends, to music. Before home time all of the children enjoyed hotdogs, crisps and a drink. There was some fantastic dancing!

Showing Emotion

As part of out PSHE learning, we have been talking about facial expressions. We used mirrors and talked about the emotions happy, sad, worried, tired and excited. We then thought about how our faces would change for the emotion we were feeling. Well done Reception, you had lots of fantastic ideas.


One of our friends showed us a Remembrance wreath he had made outside of school. We then looked at different videos and images of what  Remembrance Day is about. Some of the children in Reception then decided to create their own wreaths for remembrance. 

Christmas cutting

Reception are continuing to feel very festive this week. They have been practising their fine motor skills and created their very own Christmas tree.

Christmas Dinner!

Nursery and Reception have enjoyed a very festive day. They came together to share Christmas lunch with each other. There was even a drop in visit from Santa!

Music - Week 3 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee

During week 3 of music we listened to the song 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' by Elton John and Kiki Dee. We talked about whether we liked the song or not. Some of us thought the song was fast and a happy song but others did not like the song because they did not like the words or thought that the song was boring. We listened to and sang 'I'm a little teapot' and we also learned some actions to go with it. We also learnt a new song called the action song which we are going to practice every week and will perform on week 6 for our friends in groups.

Autumn Soup

The children in Nursery and Reception have been having lots of fun this week making Autumn Soup. We made the water orange to remind us of Autumn colours using yellow and red food colouring. We then added items which you might find in Autumn such as; conkers, sticks, leaves, apples and pine cones. The children described what the taste would be like and also what the soup looks like. We thought of some ideas how we could warm our soup up before we pretend to eat it. The children also enjoyed emptying and filling bowls with the soup and used whisks to stir it around. 

Reception Visits the Book Fair

Reception have enjoyed visiting the book fair when it visited our school this week. We spent time looking at the different books and sharing this with our friends. 

Black History Month

Mary Seacole

As part of our whole school celebration for Black History Month, children in reception have been leaning about Mary Seacole. She was a nurse who helped soldiers in the Crimean warn. Reception then enjoyed creating their own medical bag to think what they would need to help people.

Children in Need

We were visited by a very special visitor on Friday. Pudsey bear came to visit us and tell us all about children in need. We then enjoyed making our very own Pudsey Bear bandana.

Book Time!

Reception love a story! Today all of the children received a story to share with their adults at home. All of the children were very excited!

Shine Star, Shine!

Reception performed their Christmas play to their family and friends this week. They all done fantastic with their lines and singing their songs. Well done Reception we are all very proud of you!

The Christmas Story

In our Religious Education learning we have been reading The Christmas Story. We  listened and talked about the birth of Jesus and who came to visit him. Together, we then re-read the story and added actions for key people.