Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School

  1. News
  2. Year 5 Safer Internet Day

Year 5 Safer Internet Day

6 February 2024 (by C Taylor (ctaylor))

In year 5, we started by looking at our digital footprints. A digital footprint is a trail of information left behind when using apps or websites. We made a list of all the website and apps we had used over the past week- there were lots! Then we thought about how create a positive digital footprint.

Next we talked about how technology has changed over the years and how this has impacted on our daily lives including education. We also learned about something called 'persuasive design' which is a practise that companies use to influence us when we are online e.g. pop ups, time limited discount and auto play. We worked together to match the feature with its definition and influence before discussing ways to stop these techniques negatively affecting us.

Head over to our class page to see what else we've been up to.