Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Nursery Spring 2022-23


Destination Outer Space and Once Upon A Time!

Welcome To Our January Starters!

We have had six new starters who have joined our Nursery in January. They have all settled in really well and have began to form friendships with their peers. They are enjoying accessing all of the areas in Nursery and are beginning to follow the rules and routines. We are very happy to have them join us and look forward to having lots of fun together.

Chinese New Year In Nursery

In Nursery have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have had some Chinese related activities in our areas including, a Chinese restaurant, mark making in coloured rice in our outdoor area and colouring in lanterns. We have also taken part in some Chinese food tasting. We tasted prawn crackers, fried rice, vegetable spring rolls and noodles. We talked about whether we liked them or not and also described what each food tasted like in our mouths. We learned about what Chinese New Year is and how it is the year of the rabbit this year. We watched a story about the animals racing and how that is how it was decided which animals would be selected for each year. 

Space Related Activities - Spring Term 1

Take a look at all of the activities we have taken part in relating to our Space topic this half term. We have made rockets, made, painted and decorated spaceships, coloured in space pictures and drawn our own space pictures. We have also done some space yoga, played in a rocket in our role play area, made aliens and stars with playdough and read a range of stories relating to space. We have really enjoyed our space topic and we now know alot about space. 

Red Nose Day!

On Friday the 17th of March it was Red Nose Day. Take a look at the Nursery children in their red clothing to help celebrate the fundraising which goes into Red Nose Day - to help children around the world. 

Making Rockets

The Nursery children have enjoyed making a rocket with Mrs Brown in the creative area. They designed a rocket together and then used a range of resources, of their choice, to make their own rockets. They then took the rockets into the hall where they flew them around the wide, open space. 

Wear Green For NSPCC

On Friday 3rd February 2023 the children in school wore green to support NSPCC. It was also NSPCC number day. The children celebrated by taking part in some number activities in our maths area. They made donations to NSPCC and wore green items of clothing.

World Book Day 2023

The children in Nursery were so excited to be dressed up for World Book Day 2023. They all looked fantastic in their rainbow colours and costumes! They had a super fun day with their friends taking part in World Book Day activities. Year 3 children came up to Nursery and done a Gruffalo dance with the children. A Year 3 child then selected a Nursery child to sit with somewhere in the classroom where they shared a story together.
Throughout the week we have also read a 'rainbow of books.' These were story books with a front cover from every colour of the rainbow. The children voted each day for their favourite book and at the end of the week chose their overall winner - which was Shark In The Dark! 

Snow Morning!!

What a fun morning we all had!! We were so excited to hear that Miss Forrest and Miss Clark were going to take us out in the snow, We all put on our snow suits and wellies we could not wait to get outside. Once we got to the yard we started running all over, some of us starting making snowballs and chasing after Miss Forrest, some of us decided to make snow angels, while some of us just liked to explore the snow by feeling it in our hands. We have had a a great morning, we hope you like our pictures of us enjoying the snow!!

Space Yoga!

Nursery have been doing some yoga in the classroom with Mrs Brown. They followed the YouTube video where they had to do a range of poses related to space. They took part in the following poses; Meteor Airplane pose, Rocket Chair pose, Moon pose, Astronaut Mountain pose, Star pose, Asteroid pose Telescope pose and Satellite pose.

PE - Feelings

In this PE lesson we had to express different emotions. We moved around the hall in different ways and when our teacher shouted an emotion we had to display at emotion on our faces. We then took part in a range of different types of movements using a cone - including running up to the cone and stopping suddenly and jumping over the cone. This helped us to develop our stopping and starting skills and our balance. 

New Climbing Equipment

We have recently had some new outdoor climbing equipment put into the Early Years yard. The children have enjoyed climbing on the equipment this week, using a range of skills such as; running, balancing, climbing up steps, sliding, jumping and landing. 

Easter Bonnet Parade

We have been working so hard in Nursery over the last few weeks  rehearsing our Easter songs. It was such a special morning for us and we were all very excited to be on stage to perform for all our loved ones. A huge thank you for all your support at home and for the effort made making such wonderful Easter bonnets. I think you will agree we all looked fantastic. It is always a pleasure to see everyone in school enjoying our performances.