Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School





Child Protection


Parents should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils.  In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a pupil may be subject to significant harm, ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow the Sunderland Safeguarding Children’s Board Protection Procedures and inform the Social Services Department of their concern. The Head Teacher and deputy Head Teacher are the designated child protection officers at our school.


The Designated Persons for Safeguarding are:

Mrs J Watkins - Head Teacher

Mr Barrass - Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs A Star  - Chair of Governors


Child Protection Policy September 2020

Child Protection Safeguarding Policy 2016




Mr Barrass oversees Online Safety at our school.


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Parental Controls


Parental Controls give you some control over the content that can be viewed on devices connected to your home network. These include PC's, Laptops, Smartphones and Tablets.

If you are worried about what your child may be accessing on your home network, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to arrange to have these restrictions enabled on your account or see the below guides from a few different providers.


BT Parental Control

Sky Broadband Parental Control

TalkTalk Broadband Parental Control

Virgin Media Broadband Parental Control

Plusnet Broadband Parental Control