Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Nursery Spring Term 2019-20

Welcome To Nursery

Destination Outer Space And Once Upon A Time! 

Moving To The Music!

In PE we have been exploring the sounds within music and learning about how we can move our bodies differently to different types of music. We have enjoyed moving and creating actions to a range of different songs during our lesson including; moving like a dinosaur and also flapping like a bird. We discussed the importance of a warm up and why they are good for our bodies before we do exercise. 

Experimenting With Moving

In PE this week we have been experimenting with movement. We moved around different stations and used our creativity to move across the equipment  on that station in different ways. We came up with lots of ways to move across the different equipment including; jumping, skipping, hopping, rolling, crawling, walking, balancing, moving sideways and also we had a go at some hula hooping. We are excellent movers!

Shake Your Sillies Out!

In Nursery we have recently started to 'Shake Our Sillies Out.''Shake Your Sillies Out,' is a popular action song that we love. We have a blast when doing the silly movements.  This video is great to give our brains a break and we have started to do this during circle time and group activities throughout the day.

'Shake Your Sillies Out,' is an easy and fun way for us to take a quick energy break.  When we take a moment to sing, dance, move, and even laugh, we are able to return to our academics feeling happy, energised and renewed. 

Special Person Cards

During the lead up to Sunday 22nd March, we have enjoyed making 'Special person' cards for someone who is special to us. We have enjoyed working in the creative area within Nursery in order to make, decorate and write out a card for a person who is special to us. We chose materials ourselves in order to decorate our cards and we also signed them ourselves! We cannot wait to give the cards to our loved ones.

Rainbow For Our Window

Before the school shut down, we each made a rainbow to take home. With social distancing and lots of places including many schools closing because of Coronavirus, we discussed how the children could connect with their friends in their neighbourhood by creating colourful rainbows and putting them in their windows for others to see. The children enjoyed creating a rainbow picture to display in their window so that other children can go rainbow spotting whilst out for walks with their families and they can spread joy in their local areas.

Moving Around In Space

In PE we have been moving around differently, on mats, pretending that we are in space. We have listened to different types of space music and sounds and have changed how we moved our bodies according to what the music was like. We came up with different moves for each song, including moves such as; twists and turns, slow leaps, bouncy walking, slow walking and also floating around whilst relaxing our bodies. We have enjoyed moving around different places in space and have pretended to walk on the moon, float around space and  also we have even pretended to be aliens in space moving around the planets.


PSHE - Knowing Myself and Setting A Realistic Goal

During our first week of PSHE in Spring term, our theme was ‘Knowing myself.’ We changed over teachers and sat with our group and our new teacher. We each discussed things which we are good at and also reflected on things we are not so good at or some things we want to   improve on. We came up with ideas such as, “I would like to be a better friend” or “I want to keep improving with writing my letters” and also “I want to show better behaviour in Nursery and Reception.” We all thought of something which we would like to improve about ourselves which would be helpful for us in our next PSHE session.

In our second week of PSHE we set ourselves a realistic goal which we aimed to achieve within the oncoming week in  Nursery and Reception. We each told our teacher what we would like our goal to be based on our weaknesses that we had highlighted in the previous PSHE session. After setting out goal, our teacher wrote it on a football for us. After we had all set our goals, we then took turns around the circle and shared how we could each work towards achieving our set goal. Lastly, we went and stuck our football on the football template—around the outside of the goal. We were told that once we achieve our set goal we can come back to the goal post and score a goal with our football by sticking it into the goal. This shows that we have achieved our goal.

World Book Day!

We really enjoyed celebrating World Book Day 2020, on Thursday 5 March, in Nursery. The theme for this year was to 'share a million stories'.
To celebrate this important day in Nursery we really enjoyed dressing up as some of our favorite book characters. We were all entered into a competition for the best dressed boy, the best dressed girl, the most original costume and also the best handmade costume. We enjoyed sharing our stories from home with our friends and also took part in a book swap where we swapped our old, unwanted books with our friends in return for a different book—which we were able to take home to keep.
As part of the celebrations we also made a book character at home using a potato and these were judged by the school cook. The winner and second place received an Easter egg as a reward.

Spacial Awareness - With Mr Taylor

On the 19th and 20th March we had the chance to do some work around spacial awareness, with Mr Taylor, in PE. We played three different games which encouraged us to be aware of the space around us and helped to improve our spacial awareness. 

In the first game we had to stand in an imaginary bubble. We had to find a space in our bubble and move around in different ways. We hopped, walked, ran, skipped, jumped and walked sideways - keeping our own space so that we did not burst our bubble.

The second game was called 'Spiders and Scorpions'. Children were selected to be a spider or a scorpion. The children who were spiders had to walk around backwards to escape the two scorpions who had to catch the spiders. If a spider was caught they had to crawl up into a ball until another spider came and touched them to set them free. We had lots of fun being spiders and scorpions!

Lastly, we played a similar game but this was about farmers and scarecrows. Two children, who were selected as farmers, chased us around the hall. If we were caught by a farmer we had to stand on one leg with our arms out by our sides like a scarecrow. If someone ran under our arms we were free to run around again. This helped us to develop our balancing skills, as well as our spacial awareness skills. 

Chinese New Year!

We have been celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery this week. As part of our celebrations for the week, we have taken part in a range of different Chinese based activities including; tasting some Chinese food, making some Chinese crafts and taking part in some Chinese restaurant role play. We have also danced like a Chinese dragon!

In Nursery, we have enjoyed making Chinese lanterns and Chinese dragons in our creative area. In our role play area, we have sat and pretended to enjoy a Chinese meal with our friends—we had to choose what we wanted off the menu and we enjoyed pretending to eat our food with chopsticks! 

On Friday, we done some taste testing with different traditional Chinese food. We tried egg fried rice, vegetable spring rolls, prawn crackers and noodles. We then described what each food tasted like and what the texture was like. We voted whether we likes the food or not. Most of us thought that they were all very tasty and noodles were our groups favourite food that we had tried!

Then we went into the hall and we found a space. We then  began to warm our bodies up. We were given two strips of coloured crepe paper each and we watched a little video on how Chinese dragons move. We listened to instructions on what to do and then we got the chance to move around like a dragon whilst waving our coloured paper strips around to the music.

PE - The Shark And Bean Game

In our PE lesson this week, we have been working on improving our ability to listen and follow instructions. We participated in two games - both required us to listen to a variety of instructions in order for us to win the game.

In the first game (The Shark Game), we had to pretend to swim around the hall and pretend to be different types of  fish. When Mrs Stockman shouted  shark we had to run and jump into the nearest safe hoop. Each time we swam around the hall, a hoop was removed. We had to hold onto each other and work as a team in the hoops as the groups inside of the hoop got bigger each time. We tried very hard not step out of the hoops into the shark infested water. If we didn’t make it into a hoop in time before Mrs Stockman counted back from ‘5’ or if we accidentally stepped out of the hoop, we were out. 

Next, we played 'The Bean Game', where we had to walk around the hall. When Mrs Stockman shouted out a type of bean we had to make the shape of that bean. There were different movements for each bean type. We had lots of fun being; runner beans, jumping beans, broad beans, French beans, bakes bean and even beans on toast! 


Movements and Songs - PE and Music

This week, we started our PE lesson by moving around the hall in different ways. Our movements included; running, walking, hopping, skipping, jumping, walking sideways and changing direction.
After our variation in movements,  we all gathered into a circle and held hands. We all sang the nursery rhyme, 'Old McDonald had a farm' and we each had a go at playing a character within the song - whilst the rest of the class sang and walked in circles around us. 
We ended by singing and doing the actions to heads, shoulders, knees and toes. After we had sang the song twice, Miss Clark made it a little bit tricky for us, by changing the rules. We had to sing the song but we weren't allowed to say the word "heads". We had to pause when we were supposed to say '"heads" and stay silent and then move onto the word "shoulders". If we said "heads" we were out of the game. We were very good at this and enjoyed the new rule - although it was hard not to say "heads".