Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 5 Spring 2021-22

PE - Badminton

For our first topic, Year 5 are learning to play badminton. They have been so enthusiastic and have been learning about how to hold the racket correctly and move using the Chasse step, as well as developing their skills in serving. Well done!

Maths - Times tables

Since our return to school we have been really focussing on our times tables. Each week we focus on one our tables as a whole class. Then, each day of that week we complete a 3 minute speed test. It is a great way to start our maths and the children are really enjoying the challenge. Well done Year 5!

More badminton

In PE, Year 5 are really getting to grips with their badminton skills and are becoming 'super servers'. It was great to get the badminton net out in the hall and enjoy a rally.  Well done Year 5! 

Chinese New Year

Year 5 completed a range of activities related to Chinese New Year. We used our research skills to complete a double-page spread with a fact wheel and found out that it was The Year of the Tiger. We also used our fantastic maths skills and knowledge to solve the problem 'The Mystery of the Stolen Dragon Head'. It was great fun! 

Using a pallette knife to create texture

In Art, Year 5 have been continuing their work on Cityscapes topic. In this lesson they used a palette knife to create texture as a background before sticking on a picture of the Eiffel Tower. The children were all very proud of their work. Well done, they look fabulous! 

Science - Materials

In Science, Year 5 have been investigating the properties of materials. They worked in groups to test each material for different properties from magnetic to whether it conducts electricity. They then recorded their findings on a chart. Great teamwork Year 5!

PSHE - Growth Mindset

During our PSHE session, Year 5 have been exploring growth mindset and what this looks like. We also looked at our personal goals, recognising the powerful word 'YET' and writing ways in which we could work towards our goals. We then completed a range of activities to explore our own growth mindset; from completion of a drawing to tangrams and tongue twisters. We had 2 minutes for each activity. It was super hard but great fun and we proved we were extremely resilient and definitely had a growth mindset!

Safer Internet Day

During 'Safer Internet Day' Year 5 completed a range of activities. We had an assembly first on the theme, 'All fun and games. Exploring respect and relationships online'. We then met an alien from another planet who helped us to explore different activities from discussions and debate to creating a recipe for 'a healthy and respectful relationship online'. We also designed a 'gaming guide mascot' who could help others to make gaming safe. Great work Year 5!

Design and Technology - Bridges

Year 5 have been continuing their topic on Bridges by investigating arches to find out if the height of an arch affecting the amount of weight it could hold. We all had the same size and type of card and measured the height carefully, recording our results. Lots of maths was involved today and we found out that the higher the arch the more weight it could hold. 

Design and Technology - Final lesson

For our final DT lesson on 'Building Bridges' Year 5 had a design brief to make a prototype of a bridge of their choice. The bridge had to be 50cm wide and 20cm high to enable ships to pass underneath it. It also had to be strong, support cars going both ways and be decorative. Year 5 used all of their knowledge and skills from previous lessons to come up with a plan and then create their team bridge. Some groups created a suspension bridge, others created an arch bridge and some even created a bridge using all the different elements we had learnt about. It took a lot of work, problem solving and resilience from all but it was great fun. They should all be super proud of their teamwork and creations. Well done Year 5! 



In Art, Year 5 have started the topic 'Cityscapes'. We have been looking at the work of Charles Fazzino, an American artist, who creates 3D silkscreen prints. He has produced many pieces on the 'cityscape' of New York. We used his technique of 3D Pop-Art to create our own cityscapes. We coloured in our houses and then cut them out, layering them on top of our mountain or hill. To create a 3D effect we added a piece of scrunched up paper to the back before we stuck them on. 

Design and Technology - Building Bridges

In our DT lessons this term we have been studying bridges. In this lesson we were looking at the way a bridge is structured and this involved making different cross sections of a beam from card and then testing each one using weights. We found out that the folded zigzag beam was the strongest.

Literacy - Persuasion

In Literacy, Year 5 have been looking at persuasion. We completed many different tasks ending with researching, planning and publishing a travel brochure persuading families to come to our holiday destination. We wrote brochures for many different places across the world from New York and Paris to Bamburgh and Ireland. Well done Year 5, some super work completed, you should be very proud!

World Book Day

On World Book Day we all came to school dressed in our pyjamas and onesies with slippers and some of us brought in our cuddly toys too! We designed front covers for either our favourite author or our own book. We completed a book quiz and spent lots of time sharing books with each other. It was also lovely to go up to Year 1 and share a story with them. In the afternoon we had milk and cookies whilst we listened to a story. It was a super day that we all enjoyed very much.

Our final Art lesson 

Year 5 had a very relaxing and enjoyable afternoon creating their own 'cityscape' pieces of art. They used all of their skills and understanding from previous lessons to think about and draw their own cityscape design using either their favourite city or one of the examples provided. Choosing their own techniques and medium/s they created their cityscape. Some chose watercolours whilst others decided to use mixed media. They all looked fabulous! We have really enjoyed this topic! Super work Year 5!