Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 3 Autumn 2022-23



Year 3 enjoyed their first visit to Key Stage 2 Library. They enjoyed looking at all of the different texts. They got to take a book and home.


Today, as a class, we have been looking further into the story of The Lion and the Mouse. We discussed what was happening in the story. we then had lots of jumbled pictures and together we worked out the timeline of the story and we were able to retell the story as a class.

The Creation Story

In our RE learning we have been looking at the creation story. We discussed why we though God created the different elements of the world. We discussed what we thought was important in the creation of the world and what we would. We then created seven freeze frames to represent the creation story.

Stone Age Boy Drama

We have been enjoying getting to know our new text in literacy. We have been looking at The Stone Age Boy. As a class we created a mini play that told the key events of the story. They all enjoyed taking on different roles from the story. 

Halloween Disco

There is something spooky in the air! Year 3 had a fantastic time at the Halloween disco. There were lots of spooky moves, goolish snacks and ghostly fun. There were lots of fantastic costumes!

Yasmin and Tom

We have been reintroduced to Yasmin and Tom this week for our RSE learning. We learnt about their families, what they liked and why they are friends. We then made a promise as a class: 

  1. take care with sharing personal information about yourself or others;
  2. keep confidentiality, but remember adults cannot offer complete confidentiality;
  3. laugh with others, not at others;
  4. it’s OK to make mistakes;
  5. listen to each other;
  6. everybody has the right to express their opinion and we support each other to do this;
  7. we have the right to pass;
  8. be respectful of our differences.

We even created our own version of us in the style of Yasmin and Tom characters


Types of Bullying

We have been looking at the definition of bullying and how to differentiate between an unkind act and bullying. We then looked at the different forms of bullying. We created an information poster to share our learning.

Final Design

You may remember a while ago we told you we were creating our own logo inspired by Vivienne Westwood. We have been looking at recycled fashion! We took a plain white T-shirt and created our very own design with our band logo on. We all had very different ideas but we have created some amazing end pieces!


Natural or Man Made?

As part of our Science topic on Rocks and Soil we have been looking at natural and man made rocks. We learnt that the Romans were the first to make cement. We then went on a hunt around school to find different sources of natural and man made rocks.

Kindness Wall

Year 3 are a class of kindness and we have been creating bricks to display to share our kindness with the rest of the school. We looked at different sayings to encourage, praise and make people feel positive. We enjoyed creating our kindness bricks!

PSHE What makes a good friend?

In PSHE we have been learning about friendships. This week we have been looking at  the importance of being a good friend. As a class we all took turns rolling a ball to our friends and telling them how we thought they were a good friend. We then reflected on ourselves and thought what could we do to be a better friend.


Black History Month

Ruby Bridges

We have been learning about Ruby Bridges. She was the first black child to integrate with white children in a primary school in America. We learnt how her parents fought for her civil rights. We think she is an amazing women because she never gave up.

Erosion Investigation

As part of our science learning we have been looking at erosion. We have been looking at the best rock that would make a kitchen bench. We looked at different rocks and their properties and planned our investigation. We rubbed the rocks with sandpaper two thousand times and then measure the rock dust that came off the. It turns out chalk is not the best rock for a bench but marble and flint would be very good.

Anti Bullying Week 2022

Odd Socks

We began our learning on Anti-Bullying week by celebrating Odd Socks Day. This celebrates the fact everybody is different and special. We then created our own personalised odd socks

Bar Charts

In computing, we have been learning how to collect data. We then used this data to create our own bar and pie charts. We read data from our charts and then practise creating our own

Lets get Stitching!

We have been practising our stitching skills! We have practised the whip stitch, running stitch and attaching a bead to a piece of fabric.

The Bethlehem Bake Off

What an incredible performance by Year 3 and Year 4! Everyone acted out their parts with such confidence and sang beautifully throughout. You're all superstars and should be very proud of yourselves! Well done!

The Lion and the Mouse Inference

We have been looking at the picture book "The Lion and the Mouse". We have looked at different pages and looked at what we thought was happening and what the characters were feeling or doing and why. We came up with lots of fantastic ideas.


In PE we are learning fundamental skills. We have been learning how to pass balls and move to avoid people. This week we have been learning sprints. We had a house competition to see who could get their 16 cones over first with short shuttle sprints.


In French today we have been learning basic greetings; bonjour, salut and au reviour. We then practised saying our name and asking a friends theirs. We then showed our friends how well we could have our first conversation.


Year 3/4 Party!

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time for Miss Hepplewhite's Hen Do. We all enjoyed playing lots of different team work games, making our own wedding dresses and mini races. We had a fantastic time!


Year 3 have been working on improving their vocabulary in their writing. They have been learning about synonyms. This is where the words mean the same thing. We had  lots of fun working together to find alternative words using the chrome books.

Christmas Stockings

We have began our Design and Technology learning at looking at the features of a Christmas stocking. Keep your eyes pealed because in weeks to come we will be creating our own!

Circle of Trust

We have been talking about who we would reach out to if we felt we or a friend was being bullied. We talked about all the different people in school and at home. We created a circle of trust.

Creating Shadows

In our science learning, we have been looking at how light can effect shadows.  As a class, we planned an investigation to see if we moved a light source further away from a shadow puppet would this make the shadow from the puppet longer or shorter. From our results we concluded that the further the light source is from the shadow puppet the longer the shadow. We had great fun in our investigation.