Headteacher: Julia Watkins

Tyne And Wear,
NE37 1HA


0191 9171665

Blackfell Primary School


Year 3 Spring 2022-23


In the Hot Seat

 We have been looking at the story “After the fall”. Today we have been thinking about how Humpty Dumpty was feeling at different parts of the story. We begun by thinking of different questions we would like to ask him. We then took it in turns to answer the questions and give our reasons. We all enjoyed playing Humpty Dumpty.


Investigating the Skeleton

In Science we have been learning why we need a skeleton. We know that it keeps us upright, protects our organs and helps us to move. We know we need to have calcium in our diet to keep our bones strong. We then investigated  the names of some of the common bones.

Forward Roll

We were joined by Mrs Reynolds and School Council this week to hear about the charity NSPCC. We learnt all about our rights as children, that we should speak out when we feel something is wrong to a trusted adult. We created a list of adults that we trust both inside and outside of school. We talked about places that make us happy when we feel sad, scared or upset.

Number Day 2023!

We have been celebrating Number Day with the NSPCC. We all came in dressed in green. We then spent the morning taking part in a range of different activities. We had six challenged:

1: Hit the button

2: Mindful Times Tables

3: Times Tables Race

4: Addition Game

5. Subtraction Game

6: Battle Ships

7: Break the Code.

We enjoyed activities that tested our times table knowledge, using our mental maths, learnt to read coordinates and took some time out for mindful colouring with times tables. We even ended up having a game of place value bingo. 

Being Kind

Year 3 have taken some time out of their busy day to think about all of the people who help them in school. They created them all a thank you cards and a sweet treat to brighten up their day. We hope all of the staff enjoyed their suprises.

Glossary and Index

We have been learning about the features of a non chronological report. As part of our learning we looked at a variety of non fiction texts. We then looked at the glossary and index and learnt their purpose. We learnt the meaning of lots of new words!

Year 3 Visit the Galleries

As part of their Geography learning about the local area, Year 3 have visited The Galleries. They looked at all of the different stores inside. We talked about if they were retail, service, leisure or food. We were even lucky enough to go into some of the shops and talk to the owners. We had a fantastic visit to The Galleries.

Wellbeing Workshop

Year 3 and 4 came together and took part in a wellbeing workshop with our school nursing team. They discussed about emotions and feeling and how they make us feel. We then tried different strategies to help us deal with negative emotions. Year 3 and 4 enjoyed their workshop.

Easter Egg Competition

It was lovely to see all of the entries into this years Easter Egg Competition. There was lots of eggcellent ideas and very creative ideas.  The theme this year was based your design on a story. We had lots of Harry Potter, Rainbow Eggs and  Diary of a Whimpey Kid are just a few of the eggs we had in. Well done Year 3!

Yoga Time

We have got off to a fantastic start to the new term with lots of different activities. We have begun our new PE unit and we love it! We are learning all about yoga. We have been practising breathing techniques, down dog, mountain and kind warrior. We look forward to learning more poses and creating our own routine.

Yasmine and Tom


Today we have been learning with Yasmine and Tom in our RSHE learning.  We have been talking about our different families. We made a house with all of our family in then shared this with our friends. We realised we are all different but the same as we are all surrounded by love. We then discussed different tactics to dealing with arguments with our families. We know we all need time to calm down and talk about our feelings.


We were joined by Mrs Reynolds and School Council this week to hear about the charity NSPCC. We learnt all about our rights as children, that we should speak out when we feel something is wrong to a trusted adult. We created a list of adults that we trust both inside and outside of school. We talked about places that make us happy when we feel sad, scared or upset.

Safer Internet Day

Year 3 have been taking part of lots of different activities in February. On the 7th of   February we all enjoyed celebrating Safer Internet Day. We read the story Hanni and the Magic Window. This taught us what to do if we see something inappropriate online. We then thought about what we access and how long we spent online. We all agreed that we could cut down some of our screen time for our own wellbeing.

Jerusalema Challenge

To conclude Children’s Mental Health Week, we joined Year 4 to try and learn a dance routine together. This activity demonstrated to everyone that they can connect nonverbally by joining in, having fun and doing things in unison. Year 3 and 4 took on the ‘Jerusalema Challenge’ and had lots of fun!


Year 3 had an amazing celebration for World Book Day. They looked fantastic in their costumes and rainbow colours! They enjoyed reading to Nursery children some of their favourite stories. They taught Nursery The Gruffalo Dance and made some excellent book covers, book reviews and character description.

Fun in the Snow

Year 3 enjoyed playing in the snow today! They created a fantastic snow sculpture this morning. They worked together and created Bob the Frog sitting by his pond. It was lovely to spend some time playing in the snow.

Year 3 and Recorders

This term Year 3 have been learning the recorder. They have learnt about notation, rhythm, pitch and the notes B, A, G. We then learnt Hot Cross Buns and performed to Year 4. They have been fantastic learning the recorder.

Easter Assembly

Year 3 had the pleasure of performing in our Easter Assembly. They were excellent! They performed Hot Cross Buns to all of the children and staff. 

In the Roman Army

In our history learning we have been looking at the Romans. We have been learning about the meaning of invaders and settlers and how the Romans invaded England. We have looked at the Roman army and their different ranks within. We then practised some Roman army formations to help protect us from attack.

Chinese New Year

We have been learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We read the story of the zodiac and how it was created by a race between the animals. Then we learnt about customs and tradition. We then created our own Chinese dragon to ward off the evil spirits!

Changing the Environment

We have all been enjoying looking at the  environment and  thinking how we can improve it in art. We begin by sketching a local landmark...The Angel of the North and we talked about how it improved the skyline. We then decided we were going to make out own   sculptures for the garden on Key Stage 2 yard. We spent some time outside and sketched what we could see around us and colours. Keep checking our class page for our end sculpture design.


Children's Mental Health Week

Getting to know my friends...

We have been enjoying our Mental Health week. We have been looking at the focus of "Being Connected". We have been talking about how being connected to people and not connected can make us feel. We then took some time to talk to our friends to ask some questions about themselves. Year 3 enjoyed taking some times with their friends.


Year 3 have been exploring measurement in their maths topic. They have been measuring in meters, centimetres and millimetres.  They explored the classroom and decided on an appropriate measurement.

Teamworks is Dreamwork!

As part of their PE topic Year 3 have been working as a team with a number of mini challenges. They worked together in their house team and had had to order themselves on the bench in alphabetical order without touching the floor. They found it tricky to begin with but soon they realised working together and listening to each other made the task much easier.


Year 3 have been exploring fractions. They have been working out how many halves make a whole, how many quarters make a whole and how many quarters make a half. They had fun exploring using circles to help them find the answer.


Over spring term, Year 3 have been exploring different greenhouses. They looked at suitable materiats to make a structure sturdy and what materials would be suitable for their own mini green house. They then created a plan in small groups and created their very own mini greenhouse. They look fantastic Year 3! Well done!